Daily dose

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The first-ever night Diwali fair, a big hit in Jaipur

These days all roads are leading to Albert Hall in Jaipur, where a night Diwali fair is being organised by the Rajasthan Tourism Department for the first time. Visitors are having great fun beyond midnight while participating in the festivities.
More than 200 stalls and 60 kiosks from different parts of the country are showcasing their products in the fair. Visitors, tourists say it is one-of-its-kind with different products available at reasonable rates. "This is being held for the first time and we can find that stalls from different cities of the country have been put up here. It is really nice. One can find a lot of variety and the rates are also reasonable. This festival should happen every year," said Jagruti, a visitor.
Mouth-watering dishes, mellifluous music and cultural programmes, all have added to the ambience of the event making it one of the most apt event on the occasion of the festival of lights.
"It's fantastic, it's good to see people coming out in the night. All the different stalls of food, the music, the lights ... it's very interesting, very exciting. It's nice to walk around and feel the party," says Asid Fiona, a tourist from Australia.
Businessmen say that the night bazaar has been 100 per cent successful and they are registering good business. "This is like a night bazar and a good event in the sense that common man likes it. The entry is free. It is very centrally-located, very close to the walled city (Delhi). They should continue organising such events every year because this kind of event are liked by the people and people do spend in this kind of event," says Sanjay, a stall-owner.
Most of the items displayed at the fair are handicrafts, small household items, eatables, jewellery and colourful clothes of Rajasthan.
The fair will last till November 1.

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